The morning School assembly began with a prayer on the topic ‘Environment Day'. The assembly presentation was done by the Eco Club members and students of Environmental Applications. The Pledge was 'No to Plastics'. The students had introduction on Environment Day, how to use and save resources for present and future generations.
During the assembly the students conducted a quiz on environment. Principal Sr Lourdes in her speech emphasised on the bad effects of micro plastics which is found in water bodies and in human blood too.
After the assembly, students enjoyed planting medicinal saplings, such as -- Tulsi, mint, Mexican mint (Sambarpulli), Indian Pennywort (Timare). The tiny tots from LKG to UKG had a 'Nature Day' to Bethany garden. They sang along the way, studied about medicinal and other plants, as well as they were overjoyed seeing rabbits and parrots.
Overall the students had a fruitful day environment day.