All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.
Creation is one of the best master pieces of God's handiwork.
Every creature that breathes the breath of life sings the goodness of the Creator.
Today the tiny tots of St Theresa, the students of LKG and UKG walked the path of nature and experienced that in every walk one receives far more that he seeks.
The children were anxious to enter the gates of the Founders cottage Bethany sisters along with their class mentors and vice principal Sr.Reena.
The little minds were exposed to the love of mother Earth, wherein they had an open study on different kinds of plants, trees, flowers and the beautiful surrounding of the garden; they even had the pleasure of seeing the statue of our Father Founder RFC Mascrehnas and other devotional statues.
Thereafter the children moved to the tunnels singing rhymes and received the warm love from the elderly sisters who sang the songs of God's love and enticed the little hearts by giving lollipops to the children.
The children enjoyed the path by exploring rabbits, parrots and other wonderful creatures that made this day a joyous day.