On a splendid Monday morning of 4th December 2023, the LKG and UKG students embarked on an educational adventure at PEREIRA'S FARM HOUSE to discover and express their creativity and have a direct experience of nature. The enthusiastic children were connected with nature and witnessed the life of an animal kingdom consisting of goats, cows, hens, pigs, and rabbits, which made them wonder and enriched their knowledge. The children were pleasantly surprised to witness the live demonstrations of mine vehicles and land transportation, stimulating the imaginative minds of the little ones. It was indeed an opening of innovative opportunities for broader learning of the little Theresians. The children observed the beauty of organic farming through the lush growth of various vegetable plants, inspiring them to love greenery and understand the benefits of consuming vegetables. The surrounding was filled with joy, laughter, and songs of the children. It was amazing to see the children savouring the snacks and lunch, fully enjoying the fresh air of the farmhouse.